Trichome Sensory® has US and worldwide patent protection for its proprietary technology until January 11, 2020. Trichome Sensory® Corporation’s proprietary Terpene Diffusion Technology are covered by United States Patent No. ###### (the Terpene Diffusion Patent).

The patent covers a sales method that utilizes an aromatic diffusing apparatus to sell cannabis oil products. This method and invention provides retail cannabis dispensaries, distributors and wholesalers a new way of selling cannabis oil and vaporizing products by engaging the sense of smell. This invention also relates to an aromatic point of sale device and cannabis vending machines.

Trichome Sensory® is offering licenses to its Terpene Diffusion Technology and related US and worldwide counterparts under terms that are customized to each licensee. Negotiations are conducted pursuant to mutual non-disclosure agreements. Licensing is available in the United States and all countries where patent protection has been awarded to Trichome Sensory® via the Patent Cooperation Treaty.

Please contact our General Counsel, Scott Sondles, at to discuss licenses.