


ENGAGE the sense of smell

According to SC Labs 60% of the cannabis shopping behavior is based on SMELL. Use Terpene Diffusion™ to decrease time in store and increase basket size.

TRAIN SALES CONSULTANTS TO EDUCATE customers on the importance of terpene profiles

Engage all 5 human senses with Terpene Sensory Marketing™ to guide the patient through this new shopping journey.

Emotional connection to DRIVE PATIENT LOYALTY and repeat visits

Our olfactory receptors are directly connected to the limbic system, the most ancient and primitive part of the brain, which is thought to be the seat of emotion. This sensory experience will be deeply connected to your dispensary visitors, driving loyalty and repeat visits.

Product QUALITY, transparency, predictability

Understanding terpene profiles helps to demystify the cannabis shopping experience and gives patients the confidence that they will respond to your products in a predictable way.